Browsing by Researcher/Guide Uliveppa, H H

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
23-Jun-2016Agricultural productivity and regional imbalances a case study of selected crops in KarnatakaJalalpure, A BUliveppa, H H
23-Jun-2016Agricultural productivity in Karnataka a case study of selected cropsK M, HanumanthappaUliveppa, H H
13-Jun-2016An economic analysis of Gherkin and Chilli cultivation in Karnataka a comparative studyNittur, Devendrappa SUliveppa, H H
30-Apr-2013Development of infrastructure in Karnataka: a case study of Uttara Kannada DistrictHebbar, D LUliveppa, H H
23-Jun-2016Health inequalities in Karnataka a comparative study of selected districtsRathod, Ashok RevuUliveppa, H H
30-Jun-2016Krushi karmikara samasyagalu badami hagu hunuagunda talukugala ondu adyaynChalki, H SUliveppa, H H
9-Jun-2016Marketing of dairy products in Belgaum district with special reference to role of KMFKolkar, Tippanna BUliveppa, H H
8-Jun-2016Performance of the life insurance corporation of India an economic analysisBharadi, Honnappa HUliveppa, H H
10-Jun-2016Production and marketing of grape in Karnataka a case study of Bijapur districtNaik, Ravindrakumar HUliveppa, H H
30-Jun-2016Sanna raitara mele kramabaddha marukattegala parinama shivamogga jille kuritu ondu adhyayanaNaik, PUliveppa, H H
8-Jun-2016The role of UNCTAD in the perspective of commercial policies of the third world countriesUliveppa, H HMeti, T K
23-Jun-2016Working of national rural employment guarantee scheme in Karnataka a case study of Bellary districtNaganagoud, S PUliveppa, H H
10-Jun-2016WTO and its impact on higher education in India opportunities and challengesSiddalingappanavar, M NUliveppa, H H