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20-Jan-2023A Clinical Study Of Difficult And Incurable DiseasesKISHORE SARMAUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
20-Jan-2023A Clinical Study of Difficult and Incurable DiseasesKISHORE SARMAUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
12-Dec-2022A Clinical study of the recurrences of disease a case study on recurrent tonsillitisPRANAV PRASUNUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
21-Jan-2023A Clinical study on sycotic miasmatic predominance a case study on the asthma in childrenSAJID AKHTARUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
21-Jan-2023A Clinical Study On The Role Of Life Style Management Along With Homoeopathic Medicines In DiabetesDHANANJOY ROYUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
21-Jan-2023A Clinical Study On The Role Of Life Style Management Along With Homoeopathic Medicines In DiabetesDHANANJOY ROYUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
21-Jan-2023A Clinical Study On The Role Of Life Style Management Along With Homoeopathic Medicines In DiabetesDHANANJOY ROYUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
19-Jan-2023A Clinical Study On The Role Of Lm Potency In Acute Viral Diseases In ChildrenABU SUFIANUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
19-Jan-2023A Clinical Study On The Role Of Lm Potency In Acute Viral Diseases In ChildrenABU SUFIANUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
19-Jan-2023A Clinical study on the role of palliative care in homoeopathy a case study on chronic pulmonary obstructive diseaseNINGTHOUJAM PREMANANDA SINGHUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
19-Jan-2023A Clinical study on the role of palliative care in homoeopathy a case study on chronic pulmonary obstructive diseaseNINGTHOUJAM PREMANANDA SINGHUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
12-Dec-2022A Clinical study on the significance and importance of miasm in homoeopathic management of peptic ulcerPIUSH KUMARUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
12-Dec-2022A Clinical study on the significance and importance of miasm in homoeopathic management of peptic ulcerPIUSH KUMARUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
8-Dec-2022A Miasmatic Study Of Intermittent Fevers And Their Homoeopathic ManagementDASARI PARTHASHASTRIUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
21-Dec-2022A miasmatic study of intermittent fevers and their homoeopathic managementDASARI PARTHASHASTRIUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
11-Jan-2023A Study on the significance of the homoeopathic single remedy at the time in the management and treatment of acute illnessVIJAY KUMAR PANDEYUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
8-Jan-2023A Study Through Clinical Cases On Maintaining Causes Which Work As Obstacles To CureSHASHI KANTUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
8-Jan-2023A Study Through Clinical Cases On Maintaining Causes Which Work As Obstacles To CureSHASHI KANTUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
20-Jan-2023A Study Utility On Objective Symptoms In Homoeopathic Prescribing In Cases Of Tonsillitis In ChildrenMD AZMAL HOSSAINUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA
20-Jan-2023Analytical Study On The Role Of Susceptibility In Hypertension In BusinessmanSURESH RAOUPENDRA KUMAR VERMA