Browsing by Researcher/Guide Thampi, G T

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
26-Dec-2023Forecasting and modeling automation in Indian IT service industryShastri, Anagha SThampi, G T
23-Oct-2023Industry institute participation in curricular development for technology driven process and product innovationVyas, Om PrakashThampi, G T
21-Dec-2023Investigation of mass customization technique in Indian consumer electronics sectorJoshi, Uday BapujiThampi, G T
23-Oct-2023Models for making E commerce and M commerce pervasive and ubiquitous to improve national productivity in indiaDeshmukh, Sujata PrashantThampi, G T
23-Oct-2023Models for making E commerce and M commerce pervasive and ubiquitous to improve national productivity in indiaDeshmukh, Sujata PrashantThampi, G T
27-Sep-2023Perpetuating technology integration in Indian autocomponent industriesBaliram, Buktar RajeshThampi, G T
5-Jun-2023Predicting futuristic quality movements in Indian manufacturingPatil, Jitendra BThampi, G T
10-Jun-2022Software Engineering Challenges for Synchronizing Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence Software PackagesAnsari, NazneenThampi, G T
3-Oct-2023Technology driven supply chain of intellectual capital for knowledge economyRamsagar, Singh RavishThampi, G T
9-Apr-2024Transcending Indian manufacturing ecosystem to evolve as a global manufacturing hubDixit, MuditaThampi, G T
27-Sep-2023Transforming manufacturing enterprises into learning organization levraging enabling technologiesDivakaran, Chandra BabuThampi, G T