Browsing by Researcher/Guide Tawde, N R

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
31-May-2016Band spectra some investigations on problems of active nitrogenJyoti, Basappa GurubasappaTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Band spectra studies of krypton effect on some nitrogen systemsBagalkoti, Dundaraj RachappaTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Investigations in band spectroscopy Reaction of active nitrogen with BromoformHegde, Sharada RTawde, N R
11-Aug-2023Probe and spectroscopic studies in high frequency dischargeGopal Singh Kishan Singh MehtaTawde, N R
8-Jun-2016Some problems in transition probabilities in the spectra of diatomic moleculesItagi, V VTawde, N R
17-Jan-2024Some spectral problems connected with nplus2 band systemJoshi, Ramakrishna DattatrayaTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Spectroscopic study of methyl alcohol flamesSavadatti, Maharudrappa IrappaTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Spectroscopy transition probabilities of band systems of BaO and BOWalvekar, A PTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Structure of diatomic molecules study of electronic transition moment variation in bands of BeO B X systemMurthy, N SreedharaTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Studies in molecular spectra OH O O band abnormal rotational energy distribution in stateShankar, M BTawde, N R
7-Jun-2016Studies in spectroscopy rotational temperatures in discharge Under external heating C2 and CH radicalsBagalkoti, Vishvanath VeerabhadrappaTawde, N R
14-Nov-2023Study of rotational energy distribution in some hydrocarbon flame bandsPatil, Bhaskarrao SambhajiraoTawde, N R
15-Mar-2024The swan bands in rare gasesRajeswari, VTawde, N R