Browsing by Researcher/Guide Suresh Babu K

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
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21-Oct-2020A Study on awareness attitude and behaviour of Consumers towards Eco Friendly Products in Coimbatore CityAmbika TSuresh Babu K
10-Oct-2022A study on financial efficiency and working capital management of selected paper industries in IndiaPunithavathy HSuresh Babu K
9-Oct-2020A Study Pertaining to the Consumers Perception attitude and Purchase intention towards Organic Food Products with special reference to Coimbatore CityHelda Mary ASuresh Babu K
23-Mar-2020Cerium based bio mimetic nanomaterials for anti oxidant and sensing applicationsVinothkumar GSuresh Babu K
1-Mar-2022Comparative Study on Work Life Balance Between the Public and Private Sector Bank EmployeesGoldbell Rachel CSuresh Babu K
24-Dec-2021Design of steganography algorithms using spatial and transform domain techniques for secure communicationSathisha NSuresh Babu K
25-Sep-2019Efficient algorithms for face recognition based on spatial and transform domain techniquesSujatha B MSuresh Babu K
30-Dec-2021Energy efficient and fault tolerant algoritms for data transmission in wireless sensor networksPoornima GSuresh Babu K
7-Jan-2021Investigation On Structural Electrocatalytic And Photocatalytic Activity Of Metal Anchored Zinc Oxide Zno Based NanostructuresSuresh Babu KV. Narayanan
22-May-2024Performance Optimization of Biochips based on Photonic Crystal and Surface Plasmon Resonance for Cancer Detection A Simulation ApproachNandhini V LSuresh Babu K
23-Mar-2020Phytochemical Investigation and Synthetic Studies On Bio Active Lignans And Nimbolide From Indian Medicinal Plants Schisandra Grandiflora and Rachta IndicaDevi AmujuriSuresh Babu K
7-Apr-2022Prediction of Extreme Weather Events during Southwest Monsoon Season over IndiaSuresh Babu KRavi N
29-Dec-2021Secure biometric authentication using palm print and faceChandra Kala VSuresh Babu K
15-Jul-2015A study on profitability of spinning industry in coimbatore district Tamil NaduSuresh Babu KDhanasekaran K
23-Mar-2020Texture and strain engineering of nanostructured thin film electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cellsArunkumar PSuresh Babu K
1-Sep-2017Total Synthesis of Pectionolides A C Clonostachydiol Synargentolide B and Development of New Synthetic MethodologiesRamulu USuresh Babu K