Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sumathi, V
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
11-Nov-2024 | Antidiabetic effect of Acacia catechu bark mediated green synthesis of selelnium nanoparticles | Somaji Shankar Anuse | Sumathi, V |
13-Jun-2017 | Arunnakirinaather pataippukalin arulnubavam | Sumathi, V | Ganapoongothai, M |
19-Oct-2016 | Fabrication and automation of wound dressing material preparation in sheet form | Sumathi, V | Sastry, T P and Shanthi, CS |
3-Nov-2014 | Studies on somaclonal variations in zingiberaceous crops | Sumathi, V | Nirmal Babu, K |
26-May-2017 | thamilil kaditha ilakiyam | Sumathi, V | Muthuthlakshmi, S |
29-Aug-2024 | Water Management And Farm Productivity A Study Of The Potential For Drip Irrigation In Lower Bhavani Project LBP Region In Tamil Nadu | Gayathri, T | Sumathi, V |