Browsing by Researcher/Guide Somasundaram P

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
27-Feb-2014Application of gaussian and cauchy inspired pso algorithms for power system optimization problemsMuthu selvan N BSomasundaram P
28-Oct-2016Enhancement of small signal stability of power systems with dispersed generation using multi terminal vsc based hvdc linkAnbuselvi S VSomasundaram P
23-Oct-2023Experimental investigation and exergy analysis of a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine fueled with natural gas and diethyl ether and a dual fuel engineVadivel NSomasundaram P
31-Oct-2023Experimental investigation on energy conservation in vapour compression refrigeration system using efficient vapour injection techniqueChandramohan RSomasundaram P
28-Feb-2014Fuzzy based stochastic algorithms for multi objective reactive power optimizationSilas stephen DSomasundaram P
20-Aug-2019Fuzzy stalking based wolf algorithm for economic and emission dispatch of microgridKarthikeyan ASomasundaram P
15-Oct-2020Investigation on performance of vapour compression refrigeration system of an automobile air conditioner using eco friendly refrigerantsKarthikeyan KSomasundaram P
20-Jun-2024Investigation on the combustion peformance and emission characteristics of ci engine fuelle d with multi alcohol diesel blends an approach towards optimization and economic analysisAjay SSomasundaram P
26-Jul-2021Investigations on solar pv fed converter systems with maximum power point trackingAnitha MSomasundaram P
20-Jan-2015Mitigation of voltage sag and swell using direct convertersAbdul rahman SSomasundaram P
1-Sep-2014Optimal bidding strategies for gencos in day ahead power market using pso based hybrid algorithmsRamesh babu MSomasundaram P
22-Dec-2014Optimal power scheduling of multiarea power systems using fuzzy evolutionary algorithmsPrasanna T SSomasundaram P
18-Nov-2014Service oriented architectural Models for on line power system AnalysisRamesh RSomasundaram P
8-May-2023Some investigations on impact of statcom on loss of excitation protectionKiruthiga MSomasundaram P
15-Dec-2015Thermodynamic investigations On three stage auto refrigerating Cascade system using eco friendly RefrigerantsSivakumar MSomasundaram P