Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sinha, Alok Krishna

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Nov-2013Characterization of Mitogen activated protein kinase gene family in Oryza sativaSinha, Alok KrishnaRao, Kudupudi Prabhakara
7-Jan-2014Cloning and characterization of gene ending peroxidase from catharanthus roseusKumar, SantoshSinha, Alok Krishna
12-Nov-2024Identification and characterisation of novel interacting partners of Mitogen activated protein Kinases in oryza sativaSheikh, Arsheed HussainSinha, Alok Krishna
6-Dec-2023Investigation of crosstalk between auxin signaling and map kinase cascade during plant developmentNoryang, StanzinSinha, Alok Krishna
9-Apr-2024Investigation of the role of mitogen activated protein kinase in regulating argonaute proteins during small RNA dependent gene regulationKirtiSinha, Alok Krishna
7-Jan-2014Investigation of the role of mitogen activated protein Kinase Kinase in Oryza sativa under abiotic stress conditionsKumar, KundanSinha, Alok Krishna
7-Jan-2014Investigations on catharanthus roseus and agrobacterium rhizogens interactions for the production of terpenoid indole alkaloidsJaggi, MonikaSinha, Alok Krishna
2-Apr-2024Regulation of cell cycle by mitogen activated protein kinase in plantBanerjee, GopalSinha, Alok Krishna
5-Nov-2024Regulation of MAP kinase signaling cascade by MicroRNAs in Oryza sativaB, RaghuRamSinha, Alok Krishna
20-Nov-2024Regulation of MAP kinase signaling cascade by microRNAs in Oryza sativaB, Raghu RamSinha, Alok Krishna
28-Nov-2013Study of the effects of abiotic stress on terpenoid indole alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseusRaina, Susheel KumarSinha, Alok Krishna