Browsing by Researcher/Guide Singh, Sunil Kumar

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23-May-2022A Geographical Study of Land Use Change and Forest Degradation in Sonbhadra DistrictSingh, Sunil KumarSharma, V.N.
11-Feb-2020A study of supervisors comments during practice teaching programme PTP of B Ed studentsAhmad, WaseemSingh, Sunil Kumar
25-Apr-2022A Study on Adoption of Diversified Agriculture and its Impact on Different Size of Holdings in Hathras District U PChauhan, Amit KumarSingh, Sunil Kumar
1-Jul-2021A Study on Adoption of Diversified Agriculture and Its Impact on Different Size of Holdings in Hathras Distruict UpChaauhan, Amit KumarSingh, Sunil Kumar
21-Aug-2017A study on dynamic and physical behaviour of the universeSingh, Sunil KumarYadav, Lalji Singh
23-Jan-2023Academic Entitlement Attitude and Academic Goal Orientation of B Ed Students in Varanasi CityDubey, AbhishekSingh, Sunil Kumar
23-Jan-2023Adoption and Implementation Status of Choice Based Credit System CBCS in Central Universities of Uttar PradeshChaubey, Ashish KumarSingh, Sunil Kumar
25-Oct-2022An Analytical Study of Communication and Adoption Behaviour of Farmers in Jammu District of J and K with Reference to Paddy CulltivationSingh, IqbalSingh, Sunil Kumar
9-Dec-2022An Analytical Study of Communication and Adoption Behaviour of Farmers in jammu District of J and k with Reference to Paddy CultivationSingh, IqbalSingh, Sunil Kumar
20-Jun-2023An Energy Efficient Routing using Mobile Element for Large Sensor NetworksSingh, Sunil KumarKumar, Prabhat
21-Aug-2017Analysis of blood flow in microcirculator system through mathematical modelsSingh, Sunil KumarSingh, Prem Shanker
18-Aug-2017Analysis of blood flow in microcirculatory system through mathematical modelsSingh, Sunil KumarSingh, Prem Shanker
25-Mar-2021Badalte Jeevan Mulya Ke Sandarbh Me Premchandottar Hindi Upanyas Me Dampatya JeevanSingh, Sunil KumarRai, Sarvjeet
30-May-2023Biomass From Underexploited Plants Studies On Some Hardy Weeds Of North BiharSingh, Sunil KumarSingh, Arvind
4-Jun-2019Chemical and Isotopic Studies of Atmospheric Aerosol Sources Deposition Fluxes and Surface Ocean BiogeochemistrySudheer, A. KSingh, Sunil Kumar
17-Aug-2017Critical appraisal of role of commercial Bank in rural development in Azamgarh districtSingh, Sunil KumarSingh, Alok
6-Jan-2023Crystallization, Separation, Extraction, and Quantification on a Microfluidic PlatformSingh, Sunil KumarPattader, Partho Sarathi Gooh
20-Sep-2024Deciphering the intricate role of platelet derived microvesicles in hemostasis and thrombosisYadav, PoojaSingh, Sunil Kumar
26-Jun-2024Development of Teacher Entrepreneurial Mindset Module for Awareness of Prospective TeachersGautam, Manish KumarSingh, Sunil Kumar
30-Dec-2019Effect of phosphorus and bio fertilizers on growth yield of Chickpea Cicer Arietinum LSingh, Sunil KumarDwivedi, D P