Browsing by Researcher/Guide Singh, Rana Pratap

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18-Oct-2016Ammonia assimilation in relation to proline accumulation in salt stressed Mungbean Vigna Radiata L WilzeckUsha, UshaSingh, Rana Pratap
26-Jul-2022Aromatic Grasses Based Engineered Ecosystem for Restoration of Marginal Lands and Enhanced Carbon SequestrationMaddhesiya, Pawan KumarSingh, Rana Pratap
20-Nov-2017Bharat Pak sambandh Stratejik vishleshanSingh, Rana PratapSingh, Narendra Bahadur
21-Apr-2017Bharat Pak sambandh stratejik vishleshanSingh, Rana PratapSingh, Narendra Bahadur
20-Feb-2023Developing a novel crop system with microbial inoculants for high income and multiple ecosystem servicesMisra, RoliSingh, Rana Pratap
18-Oct-2016Development of sulphur rich slow release fertilizers for improved nutrient utilization and high yield of oil cropsArya, NeelamSingh, Rana Pratap
10-Sep-2020Efficacy of Trichoderma spp and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria PGPR as biofertilizer for wheat Triticum aestivum L cultivationKumar, MaheshSingh, Rana Pratap
31-Dec-2021Empowerment of Women Through Participation in Haryana Panchayati Raj Institutions Case of Rewari DistrictSaritaSingh, Rana Pratap
13-Nov-2019Enhanching efficacy of Biocontrol of Fusarium Wilt and Early Blight of Tomato Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill by Trichoderma and PseudomonasSachdev, SwatiSingh, Rana Pratap
22-Nov-2024Enhancing Shelf Life of Carrier Based Microbial Plant Growth Stimulants During Storage and its Application in Cultivation of Some Economically Important PlantsParveen, NaziaSingh, Rana Pratap
28-Sep-2019Enhancing the Efficacy of Azotobacter chroococcum and Bacillus subtilis by Dose Optimization and Immobilization within Organic Carrier for High Wheat Triticum aestivum L ProductivityMinj, Rose PratimaSingh, Rana Pratap
4-Mar-2014Ethnomedicinal survey of Madhya Pradesh and pharmacological studies of certain selected plants on murine model systemSingh, Rana PratapAshraf, Jaweed; Upadyaya, K C; Rao, Ramesha
30-Dec-2013Functional genomics of bZIP transcriptional regulators in Candida albicansSingh, Rana PratapNatarajan, K
14-Aug-2017Influence of some physico chemical factors on growth sporulation and biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma speciesChandra, SubhashSingh, Rana Pratap
15-Dec-2020physiological and biochemical approaches for characterization of heat tolerance in tomato genotypes solanum lycopersicum LSingh, Amit KumarSingh, Rana Pratap
18-Oct-2016Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil using potential plant species for the metal removalSharma, AshaSingh, Rana Pratap
18-Jul-2018Phytoremediation Potential of Some Macrophytes for the Removal of Inorganic Pollutants from Municipal Water SourcesShah, Abdul BareySingh, Rana Pratap
9-Jul-2021Role Confident And Role Ambiguity As Moderators Of The Relationship Between Supervisory Orientation And Organization EffectivenessSingh, Rana PratapSingh,Ashok Pratap
10-Nov-2017Strategic environment of Indian Ocean and Indias securitySingh, Rana PratapSingh, Anil Kumar
9-May-2024Study of molecular alterations in the development of radioresistance in rostate cancer and radiosensitization by silibininRajput, MohitSingh, Rana Pratap