Browsing by Researcher/Guide Singh, M. P.

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23-Jul-2021Aleegadh Janapad Mein Odhogik Vikaas Evan Usaka Prabhaav Taala Udhog Ke Vishesh Sandarbh MeinSingh, DeepakSingh, M. P.
27-Sep-2019Bharat me rojgar me lagi mahilaon ka karya kaushal va takniki unnayanMishra,Swati.Singh, M. P.
2-Aug-2021bijanaur nagar ka vikaas tatha paryaavaran par usaka prabhaav janapad oodhmasih nagar mein pashu sampada kee samasyaen sambhaavyata evan praadeshik niyojan ek bhaugolik adhyayanKumari, JyotiSingh, M. P.
21-May-2021Challenge of Armed Forces in Contemporary Period Special Reference of the Cybernatics War SystemJaipalSingh, M. P.
20-May-2021Challenge of Armed Forces in Contemporary Period Special Reference of the Cybernatics War SystemJaipalSingh, M. P.
31-Oct-2022Effect of Few Insecticides on the Hematology of Bufo Andersonii BoulengGupta, Jagat MohanSingh, M. P.
12-Sep-2022Genetical and Biochemical Studies on Dwarfism and Other Characters in Bread WheatSinghal, Nanak ChandraSingh, M. P.
1-Oct-2019Kshetriya gramin banke evam shakari banke ek mulyankan Farrukhabad gramin bank evam Farrukhabad shakari bank ke vishes sandarbh meinChauhan, Vivek Singh .Singh, M. P.
27-Dec-2019Labour welfare and social security measures in indian corporate sector with special refence to kanpurBano, Tarannum .Singh, M. P.
17-Jan-2023Limnology of Keetham Lake Agra in Relation to Productivity of Biological CommunitiesKolekar, VijaySingh, M. P.
4-Jan-2023Machine Learning for Rainfall runooff Modeling Using Optimization TechniquesRoy, BishwajitSingh, M. P.
23-Feb-2022On Some Singular Perturbation ProblemsVerma, Sardar BahadurSingh, M. P.
25-Sep-2019Poverty removal programme in indian planning since the fifth plan., SangeetaSingh, M. P.
25-Sep-2019Regional pattern of industrial development in Uttar PradeshTrivedi, Asmita .Singh, M. P.
25-Sep-2024Role of statistics in planning in india an evaluationKushwaha, Ram Naresh SinghSingh, M. P.
5-Aug-2021roohelakhand maidaan kee nageena tahaseel mein janasankhya kee vyaavasaayik sanrachana evan aarthik vikaas ka bhogolik adhyayanKumar, RajSingh, M. P.
14-Jun-2021Saamaany Evan Vikalaang Vidyaarthiyon Ke Vyaktitv Samaayojan Aakaanksha Star Tatha Shaikshik Upalabdhi Ka Tulanaatmak Adhyayan Barelee Mandal Ke Kaksha 9 Evan 10 Mein Adhyayanarat Vidyaarthiyon Ke Vishesh Sandarbh MeinSingh, JitendraSingh, M. P.
13-Jul-2021Socio Legal Status Of Muslim WomenRafiq, MunisaSingh, M. P.
18-Feb-2023Study of Urban Dynamics and Socio Economic Changes A Case of Dehradun City Post Capital DesignationGhai, SachinSingh, M. P.
2-Aug-2021thaakuradvaara tahaseel janapad muraadaabaad kee krshi kee graameen vikaas mein bhoomika ek bhoogolik vishleshanSingh, KavendraSingh, M. P.