Browsing by Researcher/Guide Singh, Jyoti

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19-Jan-20161977 2005 ke beech hue loksabha chunabon men raajnitik muddey ebam chunaab byabharSingh, JyotiMishra, Aditi ; Tripathi, Vishnuchandra
11-Oct-2024A study of marketing strategies of automobile sector Michael porters frameworkSingh, JyotiVerma, K.K.
24-Sep-2024A Study of some endangered ethnomedicinal plants of rewa region and their conservationSingh, JyotiMishra, Skand Kumar
3-Aug-2023A study on local cohomology module and its invariants using D module theoryPatle, AartiSingh, Jyoti
9-Dec-2022Assessing the impact of climate change on crop production in the indian states of himachal pradesh and uttar pradeshSingh, JyotiSahany, Sandeep and Mishra, Saroj Kanta
30-Mar-2022Bharat me Kishoron ko prapt samvaidhanik evam vidhayee adhikar kishore nyay adhiniyam 2015 ke vishesh sandharbh meSingh, JyotiSingh, S P
13-May-2016comparative studies on the biodiversity of the fishes of river Ganga and Gomti with special referance to physico chemical conditionsSingh, JyotiSingh, P B
3-Dec-2021Effects of spatial attention and familiarity on visual word recognition during readingSingh, JyotiSingh, Tara and Singh, Anuj Lata
14-Nov-2024Efffect of Remedial Instruction Programme on Academic Achievement in Science of Children With Visual ImpairmentSingh, JyotiPunia,Poonam
8-Apr-2024Exploring the efficacy of selected phytomolecules on lung cancer cell lines by targeting biomarkersSingh, JyotiMeena, Abha and Luqman, Suaib
28-Jun-2023Fast photometric study of some cataclysmic variable starsSingh, JyotiAgrawal, P C
18-Dec-2022Floristic analysis of Mandal tehsil district Bhilwara with special reference to ecophysiological study of family LamiaceaeSingh, JyotiMeena, Kanahiya Lal
7-Oct-2022Ikkisveen Sadi Ke Bal Sahitya Mein Sanskriti Evam Jeevan Moolya Ka Sanrakshan Ek AdhyayanVyas, PoojashreeSingh, Jyoti
12-Aug-2024Integrating Arrowhead SERCA and Deltex novel insights into their roles in signaling pathways in Drosophila melanogasterSingh, JyotiMukherjee, Ashim
22-Nov-2017Jain sahitya mein pratibimbit Nari Panchavi shatabdi Isa purv se panchavi shatabdi takSingh, JyotiSingh, Mahendra Pratap
1-Feb-2016Jain sahitya men pratibimbit naari panchvi shataabdee esa se panchvee shataabdi takSingh, JyotiSingh, M P
14-Oct-2021Jayashankar Prasaad Ke Aadarsh Naaree Paatron Kee Prem ParikalpanaSingh, JyotiMishra, R. S.
23-Jan-2013Magnetohydrodynamic flow of dusty non Newtonian Fluids through channelsSingh, JyotiKhare, Rajeev Kumar
21-Mar-2022Mahilaon evam Purushon ke upbhokta vyavhar ka addhayan Satna Jile ke vishesh sandharbh meSingh, JyotiTiwari, Shuchita
26-Jul-2023Modeling and measuring interest rate risk of govt securities portfolio of selected Indian banks based on simulation studySingh, JyotiAgarwal, K. K. and Upadhyay, Yogesh