Browsing by Researcher/Guide Singh, Anju

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29-Oct-2020bhartiya rashtriya aandolan me gandhi ji ke utkarsh ki rajnitik prasthbhumi 1915 to 1920Singh, AnjuTiwari, Amitabh
6-Nov-2017Bhartiya sangh mein kendra rajya sambandh evam sambaddh vivadSingh, AnjuSingh, Mangala Prasad
7-Nov-2022Climate change glacial fluctuation and geo hazards in the kumaun himalaya region uttarakhandSantosh KumarSingh, Anju
29-Apr-2022Climate change vulnerability and its impact on sustainable livelihood in the kanara coastAshok KumarSingh, Anju
3-Dec-2013A comparative study of dietary patterns old age people (above 60 years) residing in urben and rural areas of Faizabad districtSingh, AnjuJain, Kamini; Singh, Meenakhsi
1-Apr-2022Consumer adoption towards mobile wallet a study of technology acceptance modelKalra, AanchalSingh, Anju
26-Nov-2024Critical analysis of Indian environment laws through jurisprudence of green criminologySingh, AnjuJadhav, Sanjay V
12-Feb-2021Grameen Vikas Yojnaon Ke Madhyam Se Mahilaon Ka Samajik Arthik VikasSingh, AnjuRam, Ramhit
20-Sep-2024Gramin Vikas karyakram ka prabhav Barhani Vikas Khand Ka Bhogolik AdhdhyanSingh, AnjuSingh, Deena Nath
6-Apr-2011Identification and characterization of a highly Conserved gene, which is predominantly Expressed in the human testis, in silkworm Bombyx moriSingh, AnjuSingh, Lalji
18-Aug-2017Kinetics and mechanism of Rh III catalysed Ce IV oxidation of some organic compoundSingh, AnjuSingh, Ram Asare
27-Jan-2021Lilashuk Krat Shri Krishnakarnamratam Ka Samikshatmak AnushilanSingh, AnjuMishra, Lallan Prasad
18-Jan-2021Lilashuk Krat Shrikrishnakarnamratam Ka Samikshatmak AnushilanSingh, AnjuMishra, Lallan Prasad
12-Jan-2022Mahadevi Verma Aur Rabindranath Thakur ki Rahasyavadi Kavitaon ka Tulnatmak AdhyanSingh, AnjuMishra, Damodar
21-Feb-2022Nutritional Value Of Guava In Relation To Cultivars Harvest Stage And Leaf And Soil NutrientsSingh, AnjuSingh, Vinay
7-Sep-2021Paitrk Bhoo sampatti Vibhaajan Ka Paarivaarik Sambandhon Par Prabhaavah Pashchimee Uttar Pradesh KeSingh, AnjuAvdhesh
13-Aug-2024Prediction of Mental Disorders in Users of Social Networking Sites Using Data Mining TechniquesSingh, AnjuSingh, Jaspreet
24-Nov-2020Psychosocial Problems and needs of the parents of mentally retarded childrenSingh, AnjuUpadhyay, Shambhu
1-Apr-2022Role of incubator centres in promoting start ups in RajasthanAnkitaSingh, Anju
13-Feb-2023Stri Atmakathaon Ka Itihas Aur Samajik ParivartanSingh, AnjuGupta, Rupa