Browsing by Researcher/Guide Shyam, Radhey

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Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
19-May-2015Academic achievement in relation to parenting style and personality: a study amongst school studentsAshaShyam, Radhey
14-Oct-2016An analytical study of investment pattern of mutual funds in IndiaShyam, RadheyKumar, Narender
24-Jun-2015Andedness and cognitive abilities: a test of balanced polymorphism advantage modelVishwanandShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015Anger expression and well_being: a study amongst college studentsDevi, PromilaShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015Belief in heredity_environment and causal ascriptions to events of success and failureKumar, SatishShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015Burnout organizational role stress and learned helplessness: factors of age and length of serviceKinra, SeemaShyam, Radhey
7-May-2021Cognitive deficits in cannabis users effects of Motivational enhancement therapy and cognitive behavioural therapySushmaShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015A corelational study of stress, coping skills, general well_being and job outcome amongst police personnelSiwach, SunitaShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015A correlational study of stress, coping skills, general wellbeing and job outcome amongst police personnelSiwach, SunitaShyam, Radhey
17-May-2021Deployment stress health and well being among Spouses of military and paramiltary personnnel Moderating role of social supportRatan, RajShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015General well_being amongst institutionalized and non_institutionalized aged subjectsYadav, SudeshShyam, Radhey
17-Oct-2016Handedness and cognitive abilities a test of balanced polymorphism advantage modelVishwanand, VishwanandShyam, Radhey
12-Oct-2020Health locus of control coping Strategies social support and wellbeing Among spinal cord injured patients and Their caregiversDeepikaShyam, Radhey
17-Jun-2015Identification of neuropsychological deficits in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHDPardeep KumarShyam, Radhey
31-Jul-2015Impact of counselling on psychological problems of HIV_AIDS patients and their caregiversPrajapathi, Ravindra KumarShyam, Radhey
17-Jun-2015Impact of parental training on stress, anxiety, depression and family burden in parents of children with developmental disabilitiesKavitaShyam, Radhey
15-May-2015Inheritability h2 of intelligence g a family studyKaramjitShyam, Radhey
23-Jun-2015Measurement of belief in heredity_environment about human characteristicsSingh, DevinderShyam, Radhey
24-Jun-2015Perceived parenting style, life events and self_efficacy as predictors of depression in adolescent studentsKumar, NaseebShyam, Radhey
17-May-2021Personality stress coping and Psychopathological correlates of affluenza among adultsTyagi, PoojaShyam, Radhey