Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sharma, Smita

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7-Sep-2020A brief study of PerovskitKulhari, SumanSharma, Smita
28-Aug-2020A study of accelerator driven systemVerma,PriyankaSharma, Smita
28-Aug-2020A study of amorphous silicon solar cell technologiesYadav, NiteshSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020A study of carbon nano tubes and its various applicationsSingh, RajendraSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020A study of carbon nano tubes and its various applicationsSingh, RajendraSharma, Smita
8-Jun-2020A study of computer simulation of amorphous semiconductorsTripathi, MaheshSharma, Smita
28-Aug-2020A study of concentration of solar radiation and its thermal applicationPrajapat, VikasSharma, Smita
9-Jun-2020A study of electrical Resistivity in bulk metallic glassIndoria, SamestaSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020A study of MgB2 Magnesium diboride and its various propertiesChoudhary, SonuSharma, Smita
8-Jun-2020A study of superconductivity in chalcogenide glassy semiconductorSingh, KalwantSharma, Smita
26-May-2020A theorectical study of structure and electrical resistivity of some Cu_Zr metallic glassesSharma, DevendraSharma, Smita
4-Sep-2020A theoretical study of superconducting properties of MgB2 using different doping agents__Sharma, GargeeSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020Ab Initio study of various elements using AbinitGwala, SubashSharma, Smita
6-Feb-2020Ab_initio study of strontium oxide perovskitesDaga, AvinashSharma, Smita
17-Mar-2022An analysis of budgetary subsidies in HaryanaDwivedi, NeelamSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020Dependence of dielectric constant on interionic separation for mixed binary crystalsGrover, Sunil KumarSharma, Smita
27-Aug-2020Effect of carbon substitution on the superconducting properties of MgB2Jangid, RashmiSharma, Smita
28-Aug-2020First principle calculations of some elements using density functional theorySunitaSharma, Smita
11-Jun-2024Gender budgeting and economic development an inter state analysisNain, PriyankaSharma, Smita
28-Aug-2020Gender budgeting in Rajasthan_ An administrative studySharma, SmitaSharma, Deepak