Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sharma, Shashi Kant

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
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25-Jan-2017A study on thermodynamic and transport properties of some transition metal sulphates in water and aqueous dextrose_sodium chloride systemsRakesh KumarSharma, Shashi Kant
12-May-2021Bhartiya Vyaparik Bank Evam Krshi VittSharma, Shashi KantPandey, Purushottam
27-Jan-2017Effectiveness of lED programme in Himachal Pradesh_ an evaluative studySharma, Shashi KantSharma, Yadavendra K; Katoch, Kuldeep Singh
15-Dec-2015Hindi sahityetihas_lekhan ki parampara aur Dr Ramvilas Sharma ki itihas_drishti: ek anusheelan हिंदी साहित्येतिहास_लेखन की परंपरा और डॉ रामविलास शर्मा की इतिहास_दृष्टि: एक अनुशीलनSharma, Shashi KantSaxena, P K and Rawat, Ramesh Chand
14-Mar-2022Molecular Interaction Studies of Some Antibiotics in Aqueous Solutions of Some Electrolytes Carbohydrates and Organic Acids at Different TemperaturesNathan, VikasSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Synthesis and applications of some transition metals doped zinc oxide nanoparticles and their composites with synthetic polymersKumar, AmitSharma, Shashi Kant
14-Mar-2022Thermo transport properties and acoustic studies of doxycycline hydrochloride oxytetracycline hydrochloride and minocycline hydrochloride in water and aqueous beta cyclodextrin at different temperaturesSharma, NishaSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Thermo_transport properties of sodium and potassium bicarbonates in different concentrations of ethyl alcohol in aqueous dextrose and mannitol at different temperaturesJamwal, Pawan KumarSharma, Shashi Kant
14-Mar-2022Thermodynamic transport and acoustic studies of some and#945; amino acids in water and in aqueous citric acid at different temperaturesDinesh KumarSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Thermodynamic and transport properties of ascorbic acid in some multi_component solutionsKapil, AnuradhaSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Thermodynamic and transport properties of some alkaline earth metal chlorides in Fructose_Sodium chloride_water systemSingh, DharmvirSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Thermodynamic and transport studies of ZnSO4 7H2O and NiSO4 6H2O in ascorbic acid plus water ascorbic acid plus water plus sodium chloride and ascorbic acid plus water plus potassium chloride systems at different temperaturesVikas, BhartiSharma, Shashi Kant
14-Mar-2022Thermodynamic transport and acoustic studies of doxycycline hyclate in water and in aqueous solutions of some amino acids at different temperaturesPoonamSharma, Shashi Kant
24-Nov-2016Thermotransport studies of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate in aqueous mannitol plus sodium chloride systems at different temperaturesThakur, MunishSharma, Shashi Kant