Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sharma, Rahul

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16-Aug-2021A Study on Determinants of Health Seeking Behaviour for Child Diarrhoea Management in Uttar PradeshSurya S Rao, Akella VSharma, Rahul
2-Jul-2024A Study on Electronic Waste Management In National Capital Region NCRSharma, RahulKumar, Ashish
27-Apr-2021Analysis of Genes Involved in Metabolic Pathways in Mycobacterium Leprae Using Structural and functional Genomic ApproachesSharma, RahulKatoch, V M
13-Oct-2016Antarrastriya Mahila Shasktikaran se Sambandhit vidhik pravdhano Alochnatmak AdhyaanSharma, RahulChauhan, N.K.
25-Aug-2020Bikaner mem pariyadan vipanan ke sithi evm sambavanayemSharma, RahulBinnani, Narsing
13-Aug-2021Consumer behaviour towards retail banking products a comparative study of rural and urban areas of Jaipur districtSharma, RahulSharma, Pradeep Kumar
2-May-2022Consumer purchase intention and consumption enhancement of video on demand vod servicesKakkar, AmitSharma, Rahul
24-Sep-2021Customer Behaviour Acceptance of E Health Services in Hospitals of Delhi NCRSharma, RahulKaushik, Ashok
21-Jul-2020Cytogenetic effects of low dose radiation preliminary investigations on the radiomodulatory potential of selected phytochemicalsSharma, RahulGiri, Anirudha
27-Feb-2024Drug Repurposing Approaches Against Methyltransferases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Alternative TherapeuticsSharma, RahulGrover, Sonam and Ahmad, Basir
17-Feb-2022Dudhnath Singh ki katha sahitya mein MadhyawargSharma, RahulJayswal, Sanjay Kuamar
26-Dec-2014Environment of occurrence of manganese nodules in the central indian basin: a study from seabed photographic dataSharma, RahulNair, R R
17-Dec-2024Evaluation of Healthcare Decision making for Pharmaceuticals based upon Safety Efficacy and Economical ParametersSharma, RahulVerma, Rajesh
19-Sep-2024Floristic diversity of South West Delhi districtSharma, RahulSingh, Rita
3-Sep-2024Floristic Diversity Of South West Delhi DistrictSharma, RahulSingh, Rita
29-Mar-2022Green Cooperative Device to Device and Spectrum Sharing SystemsSharma, RahulBitragunta, Sainath
27-Aug-2019Greener Synthesis of Chitosan and and#946; Cyclodextrin Thiomer Stabilized Silver Nanocomposites for Biological ApplicationsSharma, RahulChauhan, Kalpana
21-Feb-2024Impact of Awareness Educational Program on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Cardiac Rehabilitation of Patients with CABG Among Staff Nurses Working in The Post Operative Cardiac Care Units in Selected Hospitals at Jaipur RajasthanChhaba, Prahalad SinghSharma, Rahul
17-Jul-2018Investment behaviour for Indian securities market: a study of individual investors in NCT DelhiSingh, AjaySharma, Rahul
29-Apr-2022Modelling and investigation of different micro textures on cutting inserts for machining of titanium GR2Sharma, RahulPradhan, Swastik