Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sharma, Mamta

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28-Nov-2022Alleviation of Drought stress by application of Nutrients and Growth Hormones on major legumes of HimalayaChauhan, PriyankaSharma, Mamta
26-May-2022Alleviation of Temperature stress by application of Nutrients and Growth Hormones on Spinacia oleracea L and Trigonella foenum graceum LShriyaSharma, Mamta
22-Jan-2020An analytical study on performance evaluation of Indian civil aviation sectorSharma, MamtaDhanda, Neelam
30-Jan-2023An enhanced framework for e commerce application service on to the public cloud environmentSharma, MamtaSharma, Navneet
6-May-2022Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change and Forest Disturbance Dynamics of District Solan Himachal Pradesh using Remote Sensing and GISNeha, KumariSharma, Mamta
6-May-2022Analysis of Patterns of Urban Sprawl and Surface Urban Heat Island in Solan Town of Himachal Pradesh using Remote Sensing and GISMehta, TamannaSharma, Mamta
3-May-2023Antarrashtriya aatankwad swaroop evam chunautiyan Jammu Kashmir ke sandarbh me dhyayanJafari, Kausar FirdausSharma, Mamta
16-Dec-2024Assessment of biodegradation of polythene by associated microalgal floraSharma, MamtaSharma, Ameeta and Batra, Neha
15-Jul-2016Bharat America sambandh 2001 se vartman takJain, SangeetaSharma, Mamta
3-Oct-2023Bharat Mai Sampradayikta Ki Samsya Aur Media Ki BhumikaRana, DeepakSharma, Mamta
4-Sep-2020Biodiversity and ecology of Sadul branch of Sirhind feeder canal _Hanumangarh_ Rajasthan_Sharma, MamtaSrivastava, Deepti
22-Oct-2024Chaudhary Charan Singh ka Rajnaitik Evam Arthik ChintanGeetaSharma, Mamta
27-Jun-2024Coping with failure effect of metamotivational dominance and perceived controlSimranjeet KaurSharma, Mamta
3-Sep-2021Effect of parenting styles and hardiness on academic engagement and achievement motivation of Ethiopian adolescentsTesfaye GirmaSharma, Mamta
1-Jul-2024Efficacy of chime paradigm based intervention for relapse prevention among drug abusersHarpreet SinghSharma, Mamta
22-Sep-2020Enzyme based nanosensor for detection of galactose in biological fluidsSharma, MamtaSharma, Minakshi
26-Dec-2022Evaluation of Nutrients and Growth Hormones application on Cassia tora L to alleviate Drought StressPathania, HimaniSharma, Mamta
22-Jun-2016Fanishhwarnath renu aur raghuvir chaudhari ke aanchalik adhyayanSharma, MamtaChauhan, Mahavirsinh
26-Nov-2021Green synthesis of nanoparticles and nanoemulsions from allelopathic plants of Lower Himalaya and its evaluation for Antimicrobial Antifungal and Weedicidal efficiencyChoudhary, SheetalSharma, Mamta
30-Nov-2021Health promoting behaviors among college students cognitive perceptual and somatic antecedentsPrabhakar, ManikaSharma, Mamta