Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sharma, Geeta

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
25-Feb-2022A Comparative Study of Physico Chemical and Acoustical Properties of Some Ist Transitions Metal SoapsSharma, GeetaRawat, M K
5-Apr-2019A comparative study of mobile banking of public and private sector banks in IndoreMalviya, SurendraSharma, Geeta
23-Dec-2015A study of movement of prices in Rajasthan during the 19th centurySharma, GeetaPundhir, M K
5-Apr-2019A study of operational efficiency of application software projects in the India IT industryJain, SajalSharma, Geeta
29-May-2024Assessment of cytological biochemical and molecular variability in Viola canescens Wall and Viola pilosa Blume from Jammu provinceIqbal, TasirSharma, Geeta
28-Nov-2022Contemporary Society As Projected In Novels Of Chetan Bhagat And Vikram Chandra A Comparative StudySharma, GeetaSharma, Ramakant
19-Aug-2014Elachandra joshi ke upanyaso ki bhasha ka samaj sandarbhik vivechanSharma, GeetaSingh, Tilak
17-Oct-2016Mahabharat Charak tatha sankhyakarika mein sankhyasiddhanton ka vikasatmak adhayayanaSharma, GeetaSingh, Ishwar
15-Mar-2022Multifactor Authentication Schemes for Cloud IoT EnvironmentSharma, GeetaKalra, Sheetal
6-Jan-2015Photochemical transformations of carbonyl compounds and some mw assisted organic synthesesSharma, GeetaKamboj, R C
28-Mar-2022Price Behaviour of Agricultural Commodities Across Regions of IndiaSharma, GeetaMehta, Swati
5-Apr-2019Risk tolerance and investment choice A case study of academia of higher learning institutes of IndoreSitlani, BhoomiSharma, Geeta
19-Sep-2023Saraswatikanthabharanalankar ek Sameekshatmak AdhyayanSharma, GeetaBhattacharya, vishwanath
5-Apr-2023Strategies to minimise the carpogenic germination of sclerotinia sclerotiorum a plant pathogen with broad host rangeBhatt, BhagyashreeSharma, Geeta