Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sethi, K N
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
10-Jan-2018 | British in Orissa From trade to mastery 1633 1803 | Parida, Upendra | Sethi, K N |
10-Jan-2018 | Feudalism riots war and influx of immigration The Tripura experience 1850 1972 | Bhadra, Nirmal | Sethi, K N |
8-Jan-2018 | The socio economic history of Pallahara 1803 1948 | Sahoo, Thasaketan | Sethi, K N |
8-Jan-2018 | The tribal heritage of Orissa A socio economic study of the bhuiyans during the colonial period 1803 1947 | Chhatria, Jagnyaseni | Sethi, K N |