Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sengupta, P

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
13-Aug-2018Chemical investigation on Indian medicinal plantsDas, KanchanSengupta, P
31-Jul-2018Chemical investigation on natural productsKaruri, Pradip PrasadSengupta, P
24-Feb-2022Correlation of platelet indices with severity of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitusSengupta, PPanda, S S
8-Aug-2018Investigations in terpenoidsSarkar, UshaSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Investigations on plant productsRao, S NagarajaSengupta, P
9-Aug-2018Investigations on terpenoidsPal, Bikas ChandraSengupta, P
8-Aug-2018Investigations on terpenoids and related compoundsMukhopadhyay, JagannathSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Isolation and transformation of natural productsMaiti, Samarendra NathSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Stereochemistry and molecular rearrangements of terpenoidsSengupta, SwapnaSengupta, P
20-Aug-2018Structural investigations on PutranjivadioneSen, ManjuSengupta, P
7-Aug-2018Structural investigations on triterpenoidsDe, Ashesh KumarSengupta, P
8-Aug-2018Structural studies and transformations of natural productsNiyogi, Sushil KumarSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Structural studies of triterpenoidsChakraborty, Arun KumarSengupta, P
7-Aug-2018Structure studies of diterpenoidsRoy, SantasilSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Studies on natural productsDas, Sanjib KumarSengupta, P
3-Aug-2018Studies on triterpenoidsGhosh, SubrataSengupta, P
9-Aug-2018Transformation and structure of natural productsSarkar, ArupSengupta, P
17-Dec-2018Transformation of triterpenoidsChakraborty, Siba PrasadSengupta, P
13-Aug-2018Transformations of triterpene acidsDas, Prasanta BikramSengupta, P
7-Aug-2018Transformations of triterpenoidsSaha, Sunil KantiSengupta, P