Browsing by Researcher/Guide Satwinderjeet Kaur

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
1-May-2018Antigenotoxic potential of rubia cordifolia L and glycyrrhiza glabra LPrabjit KaurSatwinderjeet Kaur
20-Jun-2017Antiproliferative Activities of Lawsonia inermis L Leaf Extracts and Synthetic TriphenylimidazolesManish KumarSatwinderjeet Kaur
17-Jun-2016Assessment of Antioxidative and Genoprotective Potential of Bauhinia variegata LSharma, NehaSatwinderjeet Kaur
19-Nov-2024Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Onosma bracteata Wall In vitro and In vivo Studies and the Underlying MechanismsAjay KumarSatwinderjeet Kaur
20-Apr-2022Evaluation of Butea monosperma Lam Taub for Antigenotoxic Antiproliferative and Hepatoprotective PropertiesVarinder KaurSatwinderjeet Kaur
30-Mar-2020Influence of seed extracts of Brassica juncea Czern and Eruca sativa Mill Thell on development of Spodoptera litura Fabricius and Bactrocera cucurbitae CoquillettGupta, ShallianaSatwinderjeet Kaur
7-Jul-2016Isolation and Characterization of Antioxidant and Antigenotoxic Phytochemicals from Anthocephalus cadamba Roxb MiqMadhuSatwinderjeet Kaur
1-May-2018Isolation of brassinosteroids from aegle marmelos corr and centella asiatica urban and evalution of their antigenotoxic potentialSondhi, NishiSatwinderjeet Kaur
25-Feb-2022Mechanistic Studies on Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Cassia fistula LSandeep KaurSatwinderjeet Kaur
15-Mar-2022Sorption Studies on Pb II and Cd II removal from simulated wastewater using Triticum aestivum L and Oryza sativa L biocharsDipakshiSatwinderjeet Kaur
5-Feb-2020Studies on Antiproliferative Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Pteris vittata LParamjeet KAurSatwinderjeet Kaur