Browsing by Researcher/Guide Sarma, Sibnath

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
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8-Jan-2016A critical study of the buddhist philosophy of penal justice with special reference to the Vinaya PitakaGoswami, Nani GopalSarma, Sibnath
5-Jan-2016A critical study of the religious philosophy of Rudolf OttoSarma, SibnathKutty, M K
8-Jan-2016A study of early buddhism with special reference to theravada and sarvastivadaDevi, L IbempishakSarma, Sibnath
18-Oct-2016Advaita vendanta of vacaspati Misra a studyDas, Niju ManiSarma, Sibnath
18-Dec-2015An enquiry into the problem of god and absolute with special reference to Samkara and RashdallPuzari, BondonaSarma, Sibnath
18-Oct-2016Concept of consciousness in yogacara buddhism a studyDas, NamitaSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016Experience meaning and language in logical positivism a studyDevi, SabitriSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016G R Malkanis contribution to advaita vedanta a studyPurkayastha, SumitraSarma, Sibnath
18-Apr-2022J n mohantys philosophy of knowledge a studyDutta, KhaninSarma, Sibnath
17-Oct-2016Pragmatism a study with reference to contemporary socio cultural issuesBora, GitanjaleeSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016Radical humanism of M N Roy a studyGoswami, KarabiSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016Status of the external world in buddhist philosophy a studyChetry, SibarajSarma, Sibnath
4-Jan-2016The concept of karma in the upanisads and the bhagavadgita a studyBoruah, Golap SarmaSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016The concept of man in buddhism vedanta a critical studyMazid, Md AbdulSarma, Sibnath
7-Jan-2016The concept of meaning in the philosophies of Russell and Wittgenstein a comparative studyDas, CharuSarma, Sibnath
4-Jan-2016The concept of religion in the thoughts of Vivekananda and Bankim Chandra Chatterjee a studyDey, SucharitaSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016The philosophies of DR Radhakrishnan and Sri Aurobindo a comparative studyMahanta, MiraSarma, Sibnath
4-Jan-2016The philosophy of the bhagavadgita its upanisadic sourcesBhagabati, BibhaSarma, Sibnath
8-Jan-2016Theories of causation in indian philosophy an analytical studyDevi, ParulSarma, Sibnath