Browsing by Researcher/Guide Saravanan, V

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
26-Dec-2019A linear classifier using statistical and data mining models for identifying and selection of very few minimum gene featuresMallika, RSaravanan, V
9-Jan-2017A study on migrant informal sector labourers in Dindigul districtSaravanan, VMichael John Peter, S
18-Jul-2022Agricultural Finance Related Analysis Of Paddy In Thanjavur DistrictSubashini, JSaravanan, V
18-Jul-2022Analysis of Health care expenditure and utilization in Thiruvarur DistrictDurgadevi, KSaravanan, V
29-Mar-2024Analysis of Single and Multiple Server Retrial Queueing Systems with Various Modes of Breakdown and VacationSaravanan, VGodhandaraman, P
12-Dec-2022Certain investigations on Performance improvement of process Control in sugar industriesSaravanan, VBharani kumar, R
14-Oct-2016Consumer behaviour and perception towards marketing of computer hardware in Tiruchirappalli DistrictSaravanan, VSrinivasa Vallabhan, S V
4-Jul-2016Design and development of a unified data mining system using intelligent agents an automated approachSaravanan, VVivekanandan, K
16-Dec-2024Effectiveness Of Technology Based Learning On Science Among The Ix Standard PupilsSaravanan, VJohnson, N
4-Jan-2017Energy management based on regional quality of power supply and utilizationSaravanan, VKannan P,S
30-Jan-2018Ensemble machine learning approaches for functional annotation of plant proteomesSaravanan, VLakshmi, P.T.V
27-Dec-2019Hybrid clustering approaches in high dimensional datasets using improved K Means and statistical techniquesTajunisha, NSaravanan, V
17-Oct-2016New approach of web mining with user personalization And search techniquesKousalya, RSaravanan, V
30-Jan-2017Production of herbal salt from mangrove plants and scientific evaluation of safety and efficacy profile for commercial utilitySaravanan, VRavikumar, S
24-Jul-2014A study on health management with special reference to diabetes mellitusSaravanan, VRethidevi
18-Mar-2016Texture analysis of rapidly solidified tini based melt spun ribbonsSaravanan, VJaya, NVictoria