Browsing by Researcher/Guide Santhanalakshmi J

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
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23-Jan-2024Reactions in microemulsion and micelle media studies on the oxidation of bile salts aided by interactions with micelles and proteins in solutionIsabel Maya Priyadarshini SSanthanalakshmi J
30-Dec-2019studies on the binding interactions and reactions involving bioactive surfactants microstructure dynamics polymerisation and catalyst aspects of bile salt micellesShanthalakshmi GSanthanalakshmi J
6-Mar-2020Studies on the gold and silver nanoparticles counteracting the oxidation of drugs by alkaline potassium permanganate solutions effects of drug functionality ionic strength pH microheterogeneous media and gold silver nanoparticles on reaction ratsPrabavathi JSanthanalakshmi J
29-Apr-2024Studies on the platinum and ruthenium nanoparticles catalysed reactions of 4 aminoantipyrine with the phenols and anilines in aqueous media effects of substrates ionic strength pH temperature and microheterogeneous media on the reaction ratesKasthuri JSanthanalakshmi J
20-Nov-2019Surfactant molecular adsorptions and interfacial interactions with solid and polymer microlatex surfacesBalaji SSanthanalakshmi J
21-Nov-2019syntheses characterisations and utilisation of calcined layered double hydroxides as basic heterogeneous catalyst in some organic reactionsRaja TSanthanalakshmi J
2-Apr-2018Utilisation of interaction of metal II terasulfo phthalocyanines and microheterogeneous media catalysis on oxidation reactions involving SO2 H2S phenol and NN dimethyl aniline with micelle immobllised metal II tetrasulfo phthalocyanines by fluorescence quenching cyclic voltammetry and UV visible spectroscopyRajendiran VSanthanalakshmi J
27-Dec-2019Utilisation of interactions of metal II tetrasulfophthalocyanines and microheterogeneous media catalysis on oxidation reactions involving SO2 H2S phenol and N N dimethyl aniline with micelle immobilised metal II tetrasulfophthalocyanines by fluorescence quenching cyclic voltammetry and UV visible spectroscopyRajendiran NSanthanalakshmi J