Browsing by Researcher/Guide Santappa M

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26-Aug-2020Complexometry involving heavy metal lons complexes of uranyl lon with amino and mercapto acidaRaghavan ASantappa M
14-Oct-2019Complexometry Mixed ligand complexes of uranyl ion with amino acids and simple and substituted carboxylic acidsSelvaraj P VSantappa M
21-Nov-2019Covalent structural Modification of ProteinsGnanasoundari SSantappa M
6-Apr-2023High Polymer Systems thermodynamic and hydrodynamic properties of poly methyl methacryalte and poly ethylmethacrylate solvent systemsPadma VasudevanSantappa M
14-Mar-2023Kinetics involving some metal ions oxidation studies with ceric ionsRangaswami MSantappa M
23-Aug-2023Kinetics of oxidation of substrates oxidation studies involoving peroxodiphosphateMaruthamuthu PSantappa M
20-Nov-2019Kinetics of polymerisation vinyl polymerisation initiated by vanadium V organic substrate redox systemSaccubai SSantappa M
14-Oct-2019Kinetics of vinyl polymerization in aqueous solution by photo chemical methodsMahadeva Ayyar VSantappa M
5-Sep-2020Kinetics of vinyl polymerization in solution ceric ions in aqueous solutionLalitha JSantappa M
5-Sep-2020kinetics of vinyl polymerization in solution ceric ions in aqueous solutionLalitha JSantappa M
6-Apr-2023Metal Complexes spectrophotometric and p H Mertic studies on complexes of Cu and UO2 Ions with carboxylic acids in solutionRamamoorthy SSantappa M
7-Nov-2019Reaction and properties of polymers systems solution properties of polyacrylamideKausalya MSantappa M
14-Oct-2019Reaction kinetics in aqueous solution vinyl polymerization photosensitized by dyesNagabhushanam TSantappa M
11-Nov-2024Reactions involving heavy metal ions in solution vinyl polymerization initiated by chromic acid reducing agent systemsViswanathan SSantappa M
14-Mar-2023Solution properties of high polymers vinyl polymerisation initiated by ceric ion and ceric reducing agent systemsSubramanian S VSantappa M
22-Aug-2023Solution properties of high polymers vinyl polymerisation initiated by ceric ion and ceric reducing agent systemsSubramanian S VSantappa M
14-Mar-2023Studies in high polymer systems solution properties of homo and co polymersKarunakaran KSantappa M
16-Jun-2023Studies in high polymer systems solution properties of homo and co polymersSrinivasan K S VSantappa M
22-Aug-2023Studies in high polymer systems solution properties of homo and co polymersKarunakaran KSantappa M
14-Aug-2023Studies on carbohydrate containing proteins of skin plant and other sourcesParthasarathy NSantappa M