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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
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11-Jan-2023Clinical Evaluation Of Natrum Sulphuricum In Liver Diseases Through CasesAIYESHA SHAMSISUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Clinical Evaluation Of Natrum Sulphuricum In Liver Diseases Through CasesAIYESHA SHAMSISUNIRMAL SARKAR
10-Jan-2023Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine in HypothyroidismPRABHAT KUMAR DAS KHANSUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine in HypothyroidismPRABHAT KUMAR DAS KHANSUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in Stomatitis and GingivitisSOLEMAN ALISUNIRMAL SARKAR
20-Jan-2023Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in Stomatitis and GingivitisSOLEMAN ALISUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Exploring Belladonna the Wonderful drugSANTWANA MUKHOPADHYAYSUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Exploring oring Belladonna The Wonderful DrugSANTWANA MUKHOPADHYAYSUNIRMAL SARKAR
20-Jan-2023Homoeopathic Approach Of Kali Group In EczemaSARITA JAINSUNIRMAL SARKAR
10-Jan-2023Homoepathic approach of Kali group in EnzemaSARITA JAINSUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Joint disorder during Menopause with its Homoepathic treatmentSALAM USHA SINHASUNIRMAL SARKAR
21-Jan-2023Joint disorder during Menopause with its Homoepathic treatmentSALAM USHA SINHASUNIRMAL SARKAR
10-Jan-2023Study Of Utility And Importance Of Sacrodes Through Cases With Special Emphasis Of ThyroidinumSAFI AHMEDSUNIRMAL SARKAR
11-Jan-2023Study On Homoeopathic Remedies For Bleeding Piles With Case Studies Through HemamalisASHISH KUMAR SINGHSUNIRMAL SARKAR