Browsing by Researcher/Guide S.S SHARMA
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
12-Oct-2022 | A Critical Study of social philosophy of mahatma gandhi | BHOLA PRASAD SINGH | S.S SHARMA |
12-Oct-2022 | A Critical Study of social philosophy of mahatma gandhi | BHOLA PRASAD SINGH | S.S SHARMA |
12-Oct-2022 | A Critical Study of social philosophy of mahatma gandhi | BHOLA PRASAD SINGH | S.S SHARMA |
12-Oct-2022 | The contribution of mahatma gandhi to different aspects of indian life | PRABHA SINHA | S.S SHARMA |
12-Oct-2022 | The ethics of non violence a study with special reference to buddhism janism and gandhi | MINNI RANI SINHA | S.S SHARMA |