Browsing by Researcher/Guide Richa

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9-Dec-2022A study of factors affecting women employee turnover of ITeS companies in GurugramRichaArora, Rupali
15-Feb-2021A Critical Study of Sri Aurobindos Contribution To Indian philosophyRichaUpadyay Harishankar
11-Jul-2024A Study on Optimum Allocatin of Staff in Assignment ProblemsRichaVinod Kumar Sharma
5-Jan-2021An analytical study of microfinance in India A comparative study of women self help groups to male self help groups in Meerut DistrictRichaKumar, Prabhat
27-Jan-2017Bala Krishnakrutha sharadhaminleelacharitum ek samijathamak adyayanRichaSharma, Rajinder
22-Dec-2022Coordination Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes using Phenolate based LigandsRichaHimanshu Arora
29-Mar-2022Cross domain context aware recommender system using trust and distrustRichaBedi, Punam
11-Aug-2023Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for White Space TV BandRichaDe, Asok and Raghava, N.S.
6-Jan-2023Design synthesis and evaluation of novel steroidal 5and#945; reductase inhibitorsRichaDhingra, Neelima
10-Jan-2023Design synthesis and evaluation of novel steroidal 5and#945; reductase inhibitorsRichaDhingra, Neelima
6-Jul-2023Development of Image Fusion Algorithm Using Wavelet Transform MethodRichaSekhon, Karamjit Kaur and Singh, Priti
18-Jan-2023Dynamic and fault tolerant topology for efficient data dessemination in iovRichaSharma, T.P. and Sharma, Ajay Kumar
30-Apr-2021Economic analysis of seed production and marketing of vegetable crops in HaryanaRichaSiwach, Manoj
16-May-2023Effect of Process Parameters on Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel Zinc FerritesRichaAnand K. Tyagi and Dharamvir Singh Ahlawat
3-Oct-2024Effect of Self Confidence and Emotional Maturity on Risk Taking Behaviour of female StudentsRichaBhatnagar, Asha
26-Mar-2024Electronic and magnetic structural study of pure and doped ZNO nanostructuresRichaGoyal, Navdeep and Gautam, Sanjeev
17-Jun-2014Environmental issues in agricultural development and the role of community participation: a case study of Himachal PradeshRichaQureshi, M H
22-Apr-2022Evaluation of Antihyperlipidemic Potential of Thyme Infused Green Coffee on Human SubjectsRichaSaraswat, Shubhra
14-Aug-2020Evaluation of Molecular Mechanism of Hypobaric Hypoxia induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy Role of Ryanodine Receptor Ryr1 Mediated SignalingAkanksha AgrawalRicha
29-Sep-2022Fault Tolerant Operation of MMC Based HVDC System under SM FailureRichaJayashree R