Browsing by Researcher/Guide Reddy, M L P

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
6-Jul-2022Design and development of efficient photosensitizers for ln3plus ions based on aromatic carboxylatesRamya, A RReddy, M L P
15-Sep-2022Development of efficient light conversion molecular devices based on lanthanide_3_phenyl_4_acyl_5_isoxazolonate complexesBiju, SReddy, M L P
5-Jul-2022Development of novel visible_light sensitized Eu3pluse _beta_diketonate complexesDivya, VReddy, M L P
22-Jul-2022Exploring the receptor_self assembly and photophysical properties mono formyl 5_6_Dialkyldipyrromethane based cyclic and acyclic derivativesDerry Holaday, M GReddy, M L P
24-Dec-2012Investigations on the recovery of Titanium Vanadium and Iron values from the Waste Chloride Liquors of Titania IndustryThomas, JestySurender, G D; Reddy, M L P
9-Jan-2013Investigations on the sol vent extraction and Luminescence of Lanthanoids with mixtures of heterocyclic Diketones and various neutral Oxo DonorsPavithran, RaniReddy, M L P
28-Dec-2012Liquid liquid extraction and separation of mercury from industrial wastesFrancis, TaniaReddy, M L P
24-Dec-2012Studies on liquid liquid extraction separation of valuable metals from titania wastesSaji JReddy, M L P
20-Apr-2012Synergistic solvent extraction of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) with and bita-Diketones in presence of OXO-donorsMeera, RReddy, M L P
6-May-2011Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of rare earth based non-toxic inorganic pigmentsGiable, GeorgeReddy, M L P
16-Nov-2012Vanadophilic Heterocyclic β-Diketones: synthesis, characterization and complexationRemya P NReddy, M L P