Browsing by Researcher/Guide Rao, Nandiraju V S

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
27-May-2016A study of columnar and banana liquid crystalline phases and nanosegregation in shape dependent molecular assembliesLaskar, Atiqur RahmanRao, Nandiraju V S
20-Oct-2015Au Ag nanostructures of amphiphilic porphyrin derivatives and bent core liquid crystalsGude, VenkateshRao, Nandiraju V S
13-Jul-2020Chirality in Achiral Bent Shaped Molecule Synthesis and Characterization of Banana Liquid CrystalsChakraborty, NirmalangshuRao, Nandiraju V S
18-May-2016Chirality in achiral molecules_ synthesis and characterization of novel azo_ or ester_based liquid crystalsDeb, RajdeepRao, Nandiraju V S
31-May-2016Design synthesis and mesogenic properties of some d_block and lanthanide metal complexesChakraborty, LopamudraRao, Nandiraju V S
27-May-2016Influence of substituent and linking moieties on phase structures of achiral hockey_stick mesogens _ synthesis and characterizationBegum, NazmaRao, Nandiraju V S
27-May-2016Influence of substituent and linking moiety on chirality in achiral bent core mesogens _ synthesis and characterizationDebnath, SomenRao, Nandiraju V S
8-Jun-2016Influence of substituent on chirality in achiral molecules _ microwave assisted synthesis and characterisation of nonlinear shaped liquid crystalsNath, Rahul KantiRao, Nandiraju V S
8-Jun-2016Influence of substituent on the chirality in achiral molecules _ synthesis and characterisation of novel banana liquid crystalsDeb, RahulRao, Nandiraju V S
27-May-2016Liquid crystalline characteristics and theoretical study of bent_core molecules and bio_materialsMohiuddin, GolamRao, Nandiraju V S
17-Mar-2016Liquid crystalline characteristics and theoritical study of bent core molecules and bio materialsMohiuddin, GolamRao, Nandiraju V S
18-May-2016Physico chemical studies on novel bent shaped non_linear optical chromophores exhibiting liquid crystalline behaviourPaul, Manoj KrRao, Nandiraju V S
17-May-2016Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline metal complexes of n_salicylinedeneaniline derivativesDebnath, SubhashRao, Nandiraju V S
17-May-2016Synthesis and mesogenic properties of mono and binuclear metal complexes derived from salisylaldimine Schiff basesChoudhury, Trirup DuttaRao, Nandiraju V S