Browsing by Researcher/Guide Rajkumar Banerjee

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
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4-Jul-2022Design synthesis and bioactivity evaluation of novel receptor specific lipids and carbon monoxide releasing molecules for chemo immunotherapy of brain tumor and chemotherapy of melanoma tumorV. Venu GopalRajkumar Banerjee
3-Jun-2022Development of novel estrogen receptor targeted anticancer therapeutics and cancer cell detecting fluorescent hybrid moleculesAnirban GangulyRajkumar Banerjee
13-Jul-2022Evaluation of glucocorticoid receptor modulating bioactive self assemblies for developing cancer targeted therapeuticsS. KathyayaniRajkumar Banerjee
11-Jul-2022Exploring cationic amphiphiles of Estrogen and stilbene molecules as potential cancer therapeuticsSudhakar JRajkumar Banerjee
12-Jan-2024Glucocorticoid receptor assisted drug sensitization studies in colorectal and brain cancer and its potential use in Photodynamic therapyMahadik Namita SantoshRajkumar Banerjee
25-Apr-2024Progesterone cationic lipid conjugate based nanoaggregates for cancer cell selective delivery of drug and metal organic frameworksMohammed Tanveer AhmedRajkumar Banerjee
4-Jul-2022Towards development of receptor targeted carbon nanospheres and lipid based therapeutics against brain and pancreatic cancerM.M.Ch. Sekhar JaggarapuRajkumar Banerjee
24-Jun-2022Toxicological anti cancer and anti psoriatic evaluation of cationic lipids in association or conjugation with steroidsRachmalla H. KrishnareddyRajkumar Banerjee