Browsing by Researcher/Guide Rajan A R

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
21-Aug-2017A semigroup theoretic study of regular ringsSunny LukoseRajan A R
20-Jul-2016A study of unit regular semigroupsSreeja V KRajan A R
21-Jun-2016Biordered Set languagesRamesh Kumar PRajan A R
13-Nov-2017On Automata Associated with SemigroupsJohnsy S PrasadRajan A R
21-Aug-2017Operator Semigroups and Vector BundlesJohn LRajan A R
8-Jun-2016Semigroup of matrices over finite fieldsKrishna MRajan A R
25-Jan-2016Structure of combinatorial regular semigroupsRajan A RSubramonian Nambooripad K S