Browsing by Researcher/Guide Radha Shanmugasundaram.K

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
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18-Apr-2019Biochemical markers for blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus using conventional theraphy and supplementation with the herbal extract of Gymnema sylvestre R BrRajeshwari.GRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
16-Jul-2018Biochemical studies on the value of Iodobenzene therapeutic measure in correction hypothyroidismAruna.VRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
3-Apr-2019Incorporation of defatted rice bran in common house hold recipes as food ingredient acceptability and nutritional studiesMandayam Ananthanpillai NaliniRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
14-May-2018Investigations on some biochemical changes in the gastro intestinal tract as a sequel to hyperglycaemia and hyperlipaemia in rabbitsSunitha.IRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
18-Apr-2019Lipids catechlamines and related changes in brain during epileptic seizures controlled by Brahmi Ghritham studied in albino ratsMohammed Akbar.G.KRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
3-Apr-2019Lipids lipoproteins lipid peroxidation products and related stidies in ischaemic heart disease and clinical trials of APSm a herbomineral Indian drugSundaram.PRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
26-Mar-2019Studies on plasma lipids enzymes and related changes in type II diabetes mellitus effect of an extract from Gymnema sylvestre R BrBaskaran.KRadha Shanmugasundaram.K
16-Jul-2018Studies on the changes in lipid metabolism during Annapavala Sindhooram Therapy in Experimental HypothyroidismUma.RRadha Shanmugasundaram.K