Browsing by Researcher/Guide RAJEEV KUMAR SINGH

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
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21-Dec-2022A clinical study of into liliacae family focusing on the mental symptoms in the cases of asthmaMD FAISAL RAZARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023A clinical study of physiological action of the nux vomica through chronic casesBRIJ MOHAN PRASADRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023A Study Of Lower Potencies In The Pathological Presentation Of HepatitisARCHANARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023A Study Of Lower Potencies In The Pathological Presentation Of HepatitisARCHANARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023A Study Of Lower Potencies In The Pathological Presentation Of HepatitisARCHANARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023Clinical study of indian plant remedies a case study on hyperlipidimeaJ K RAMYARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
7-Jan-2023Clinical study of patho physiological action of remedy through case of hepatitisRAHUL KUMARRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
8-Jan-2023Comparative Study Of Centesimal Scale And Decimal Scale Throug Cases And Its Utility In Homoeopathic PracticeKAMLESH KUSHWAHARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
8-Jan-2023Comparative Study Of Centesimal Scale And Decimal Scale Throug Cases And Its Utility In Homoeopathic PracticeKAMLESH KUSHWAHARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
7-Jan-2023Study of efficacy of berberis vulgaris mother tincture in renalcalculiRAENA RRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
7-Jan-2023Study of efficacy of berberis vulgaris other ticture in renalcalculiRAENARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023Study Of Ranunculaceae family Focusing On The Mind Through Cases Of MigraineBIPASA BHUNIARAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
11-Jan-2023Study on pharmacodynamics of solanace family and its clinical co relationSURAJ KUMARRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023Study On Selection Of Potency In Relation To Miasm Through Cases Of HyperthyrodismCHAYANIKA DHARRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH
20-Jan-2023Study On Selection Of Potency In Relation To Miasm Through Cases Of HyperthyrodismCHAYANIKA DHARRAJEEV KUMAR SINGH