Browsing by Researcher/Guide Prasanna Venkatraman
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
1-Jun-2020 | Elucidating the Functional Significance of Protien Interaction Networks Mediated by 19S Regulatory Particle of Proteasome | indrajit sahu | Prasanna Venkatraman |
20-Jan-2020 | Identification of a novel ATP binding site and demonstration of ATP hydrolysis by mammalian 14 3 3 isoforms | Manoj Pralhadrao Ramteke | Prasanna Venkatraman |
1-Jun-2020 | Identification of Protein Interaction Networks of Gankyrin in Cancer | nanaware padma pandurang | Prasanna Venkatraman |
16-Aug-2024 | Quantitative Proteomic Approach to Characterize the Functions and the Regulatory Role of Proteasomal Assembly Chaperones | Christie Joel Parsottam | Prasanna Venkatraman |