Browsing by Researcher/Guide Prakasam P
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
18-Jun-2015 | Design and implementation of a novel digital modulation classifier for software defined radio receivers | Prakasam P | Madheswaran M |
12-Jul-2021 | Proposed mixed approach algorithm on 512 point fft ifft processor for wpan applications | Arun C A | Prakasam P |
22-Jul-2020 | Rasi Navalgal Oor Aivu | Kubendran A | Prakasam P |
20-Oct-2020 | Some investigations on small signal stability analysis of DFIG based wind energy system | Panneer selvam M | Prakasam P |
5-Oct-2020 | Some investigations on time slot scheduling for quality of service in wireless sensor networks | Sathyaprakash P | Prakasam P |