Browsing by Researcher/Guide Prabakaran S
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
10-May-2023 | a study on the role of ict in enhancing the smart governance of kerala legislative assembly | Abdul Salim V P | Prabakaran S |
25-Apr-2024 | Application and impact of information and communication technology in the judiciarya study with special reference to Madras High Court | Nathiya K | Prabakaran S |
2-Oct-2021 | Automatic and Efficient Early Diagnosis of Glaucoma Disease in Retinal Fundus Image | Shanthi R | Prabakaran S |
11-Oct-2017 | Efficient data mining techniques for classification of genes and disease identification | Booma P M | Prabakaran S |
11-Oct-2017 | Swarm intelligence for dynamic recommender system for web usage mining and personalization | Anna Alphy | Prabakaran S |
15-Jan-2019 | Utilization of pressmud sugar industry solid waste Based vermicompost for the cultivation of Vigna radiata l R Wilczek | Boopathiayyanar M | Prabakaran S |