Browsing by Researcher/Guide Pillai, M M

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
16-Mar-2017Age related biochemical changes in salivary glands Amylase trypsin and glycoproteins of male miceTomake, Bandu AppaPillai, M M
16-Mar-2017Age related changes in Brain acid phosphatasePawar, Sushama SunilraoPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Age related studies in the brain acid phosphatase of female miceK V, AshokanPillai, M M
16-Mar-2017Anti aging effect of lactuca sativa on the brain and heart of mouseDeshmukh, Ashish AmbadasPillai, M M
20-Feb-2017Effect of salivary secretion on testicular development of the MouseWalvekar, Madhuri VasantPillai, M M
16-Mar-2017Effect of vitamin E on cardiac muscles of white rats during agingKurne, Vidya MPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Effects of antioxidants on glycoprotein synthesis of Brunner's Glands of male and female ratsMaldar, Yasmeen RamjanPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Effects of sex hormones on induced duodenal ulcers and Brunner's Glands of miceKurane, M MPillai, M M
20-Apr-2017Effects of various analgesic antipyretics on duodenum and brunners glandsMundaganur, Dastgir SayyadPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Protective effects of Bacopa Monniera LINN. extracts on mouse brain during agingGajare, Kavita AmrutPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Protective effects of Petroselinum Crispum on the Mouse brain and heart during agingVora, Shreya RajivPillai, M M
20-Feb-2017quotEffect of sialoadenectomy on the prenatal and postnatal development of Male reproductive organs (Mus Musculus)quotBodare, Ramdas DhondiramPillai, M M
28-Feb-2017Study of glands of brunner in the experimentally induced duodenal ulcer in albino ratsNadar, Thiraviaraj SPillai, M M