Browsing by Researcher/Guide Pawar, S H

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9-Mar-2017A study of sophisticated energy resources for clean environmentChavan, Balbhim LPawar, S H
2-Dec-2021Biological synthesis of selenium nanoparticles and evaluation of their biomedical applicationsMulla, Nayeem AslamPawar, S H
16-Mar-2017Effect of Pb doping in BSCCO high temperature superconductorsDesai, N VPawar, S H
28-Feb-2017Electrical and optical properties of lithium doped CdS filmsShikalgar, A GPawar, S H
28-Feb-2017Electrodeposition of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu alloyed films and their oxidation for high-Tc superconductivityMujawar, Haniph APawar, S H
16-Mar-2017Electrophoretic deposition and characterization of samarium doped ceria electrolyte coating for solid oxide fuel cellsBhosale, A GPawar, S H
17-Apr-2015Functionalization of iron oxide nanoparticles with chitosan and acrypol for cancer hyperthermia therapy applicationShete, Prajakta BalakrishnaPawar, S H
28-Feb-2017Luminescence studies of some high Tc oxide superconductorsTodkar, B MPawar, S H
17-Apr-2018Magnetic core shell nanoparticles based On Co1 XZnXFe2O4 as potential candidate for hyperthermia cancer therapyNikam, Dipali SubhashPawar, S H
10-Jun-2022Modeling Simulation and Controller Design of Static Var Compensator SVC Using Sliding Mode Control StrategiesPawar, S HBandal, V S
14-Oct-2016Nano bio applications of functionalized cobalt ferrite nanoparticlesBohara, Raghvendra AshokPawar, S H
28-Feb-2017Photoelectric properties of sodium doped CdS filmsBargale, B BPawar, S H
20-Feb-2017Some studies on Cu-Bi-S filmsPawar, A JPawar, S H
28-Feb-2017Some studies on Cu-In-S thin films and their use in ECPV cellsDesai, J SPawar, S H
20-Feb-2017Some studies on dysprosium doped CaSO4 single crystalsJagdale, S HPawar, S H
23-Feb-2017Structural, electrical and optical properties of manganese-oxide filmsMandlik, A SPawar, S H
20-Feb-2017Studies of the luminescence behaviour of CaS: Bi: Tm PhosphorsPawar, S HNarlikar, A V
4-May-2012Studies on carbon doped superconducting magnesium Diboride samplesSinha, Bhavesh BharatPawar, S H
20-Feb-2017Studies on Cd1-x Znx S films and their role in ECPV cellsUplane, M DPawar, S H
7-Mar-2017Studies on CdSe semiconductor septum solar cellsPatil, M PPawar, S H