Browsing by Researcher/Guide Patil P S

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
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7-Jun-2022Design Development and Characterization of Polyherbal Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System for Treatment of Colorectal CancerPatil P SKilledar S G
27-Aug-2015Effect of Changed Environment Physiology and Endocrinology of the frog Rana CyanophyticsPatil P SKulkarni K M
1-Oct-2015Effects of Changed Environment on Physiology and Endocrinology of the Frog Rana CyanophlyctisPatil P SKulkarni K M
31-Jul-2023Experimental Investigation on Ultimate Behavior of Lightweight High Strength Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column LWHCFSTSalgar P BPatil P S
7-Jul-2021FPGA Based Fuzzy Logic Spindle Temperature CompensationPatil P SMudholkar R R
27-Aug-2021Optimization of Biopharmaceutical Characteristics of Drugs Using Particulate Carrier SystemPatil P SDhawale S C
31-Jul-2023Optimization of rapid sand filter using polymer and coagulant aid to reduce ripening periodMota M HPatil P S
10-Jan-2023Studies on Group III A Elements Doped ZnO Thin Films for the Development of Chemiresistive Gas SensorsPatil V LPatil P S
3-Oct-2023Studies on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Pyrophosphate M2p2o7 M Ni and Co Based Electrodes for SupercapacitorsPatil S SPatil P S
3-Oct-2023Studies on metal cations Ag Cd and In incorporated CZTSSe absorber layers deposited by magnetron sputtering for solid state solar cellsKorade K DPatil P S
15-Feb-2022Studies on the engineering of ordered manganese oxide nanocomposites and optimization of electrolytes for supercapacitor devicesBeknalkar S APatil P S
3-Oct-2023Studies on the Synthesis of Biomass Derived Carbon and Nickel Cobaltite Composites for Supercapacitor ApplicationDhavale S BPatil P S
15-Feb-2022Studies on the Synthesis of Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and their Incorporation in Textile Fabrics by Sonolysis for Antimicrobial FunctionalityPatil A HPatil P S