Browsing by Researcher/Guide Patel, JD

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
11-Mar-2016Energy potential of forest litterSrihari, CPatel, JD
14-Mar-2016Induced discolouration in woodRevathi, Maremanda LakshmiPatel, JD
14-Mar-2016Morphactin regulated growth and development in garlic and onionNair, D BhuvanendranPatel, JD
14-Mar-2016Morpho histochemical aspects of knot in woodKothari, NirmalaPatel, JD
14-Mar-2016Reaction wood formation in some angiosperm treesRao, Charugundla Jagan MohanPatel, JD
14-Mar-2016Structural studies on tension wood of some broad leaved treesReghu, CPPatel, JD