Browsing by Researcher/Guide Pandya, S R

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20-Dec-2023A profile of teacher characteristics and their work in english medium primary schools run by Brihan Mumbai Municipal CorporationChaurasia, Sneha SanthoshPandya, S R
25-Jul-2017A study of attitudes of students towards educated and working women in relation to some variablesThomas, SybilPandya, S R
12-Jun-2017A study of creativity among students in relation to their personality characteristics motivational characteristics and school backgroundNaik, Alpa PPandya, S R
8-Oct-2020A study of effectiveness of integrated approach to architectural education through computer assisted learningShashank Ninawe, ARPandya, S R
16-Oct-2023A study of interactive influence of brain based learning and hemisphericity of students of Standard VIII on their academic achievement in biology study habits and stressVarghese, Mary GeorgePandya, S R
24-Oct-2023A study of interactive influence of brain based learning and hemisphericity of students of Standard VIII on their academic achievement in Biology study habits and stressVarghese, Mary GeorgePandya, S R
1-Nov-2023A study of job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in relation to their emotional intelligence role efficacy and teacher orientationsDeore, K VPandya, S R
26-Dec-2023A study of self efficacy as a function of classroom climate study habits and achievement motivation of students of standard eighth in greater MumbaiShaikh Rubina Rizwan AhmedPandya, S R
16-Oct-2023A study of teacher efficacy in relation to the enneagram personality type and emotional intelligence of student teachers from D Ed colleges in Thane districtPereira, Jessica Joey AngelaPandya, S R
24-Dec-2019A Study of Teacher Efficacy in Relation to the Enneagram Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence of Student_Teachers from D_Ed Colleges in Thane DistrictPereira, JessicaPandya, S R
28-Oct-2016A study of teacher performance and job satisfaction of teachers in relation to their maturity locus of control and organisational conflictGhatol, Kalpana MadhukarPandya, S R
13-Jun-2017A study of the efficiency of tertiary educationWakpainjan, PradnyaPandya, S R
28-Oct-2016A study of the interactive influence of students home environment and school environment on their academic achievement and self_conceptPatel, Manisha DPandya, S R
16-Oct-2023A study of the relative effectiveness of school types by board affiliation in developing psycho social characteristics among studentsPhilip, SheelaPandya, S R
25-Jul-2017A study of the teacher performance in relation to some teacher related variablesDias, Myra AlexPandya, S R
28-Feb-2018An eclectic approach to creativity an experimentMukadam, SafiaPandya, S R
25-Jul-2017An evaluative study of some specific programmes under continuing education scheme of National Literacy MissionPatil, Asha RamagondaPandya, S R
2-Nov-2020Constructivist Approach to mathematics Instruction _Effect on meta_Cognitive Awareness Spatial Ability And Problem Solving Skills of 8TH Standard StudentsSati, Shamrao ShindePandya, S R
6-Nov-2023Development and effectiveness of self control program for D Ed studentsJadhav, S RPandya, S R
23-Feb-2024Maharashtratil Thane jilhyatil Dahanu talukyatil shasakiy ashramshalantil iyatta 7 vi chya adivasi vidyarthyansathi vaiyaktik parinamkarakata upakramachya parinamkaraktecha abhyasKadu, Sai SubodhPandya, S R