Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.
Browsing by Researcher/Guide Pandey, Nalini
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
18-Apr-2024 | Boron nutrition of plants with particular reference to oxldative stress | Pandey Dharmendra Kumar | Pandey, Nalini |
3-Oct-2024 | Comparative analyses of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of two Indian Oak: Quercus griffithii Hook. f. & Thomson ex Miq. and Quercus oblongata D. Don (Fagaceae) | Ram Mohan | Pandey, Nalini |
1-Aug-2023 | Effect of temperature and water stress on the antioxidative defense system of manganese deficient plants | Singh, Priyanka | Pandey, Nalini |
18-Apr-2024 | Effects of boron nutrition on reproductive biology of some oil yielding crops | Archana | Pandey, Nalini |
18-Jan-2021 | Impact of ambient ozone on some crops under elevated CO2 condition | Maurya, Vivek Kumar | Pandey, Nalini |
23-Jan-2024 | Physiological and biochemical responses of plants grown in vitro condition under chromium toxicity | Zeenat Parveen | Pandey, Nalini |
23-Jan-2024 | Phytoremediation of contaminated soils using medicinal plants | Richa | Pandey, Nalini |
23-Apr-2024 | Response of legumes to zinc nutrition | Pathak Girish Chandra | Pandey, Nalini |
16-Apr-2024 | Response of plants to cadmium toxicity | Saxena, Gaurav Kumar | Pandey, Nalini |