Browsing by Researcher/Guide Pandey, Ashish

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
26-Sep-2024Analysis and control of single Phase power factor corrector convertersPandey, AshishKothari, D. P. and Singh, Bhim
16-Aug-2023Anatomy of Horror A study of maleficence in select Stephen King novels 1975 1987Dutta, DebjaniPandey, Ashish
1-Apr-2024Application of satellite precipitation estimates and climatic projections through a hydrological frameworkGautam, Amar KantPandey, Ashish
13-Nov-2020Challenges and Privileges of Retail Marketing in Rural and Urban Area A Comparative StudyPandey, AshishAvjeet Kaur
1-Apr-2024Flash flood vulnerability susceptibility and modeling for Himalayan mountain river basins in UttarakhandSingh, GagandeepPandey, Ashish
4-Mar-2021Hindi Ke Do Pramukh Samachar Patron Ke Sampadkiya Prastho Ki Antarvastu Ka Tulnatmak AdhyayanPandey, AshishKumar, Anurag
10-Nov-2023Organizational healing an interpretive study conceptualization and scale developmentAgrawal, AdityaPandey, Ashish
14-Aug-2017Propagation of two species of Oak using in vitro methodsPandey, AshishTamta, Dr. Sushma
14-Oct-2014Propagation of two species of Oak using in Vitro methodsPandey, AshishTamta, Sushma
31-May-2023Residual Learning CNN for Respiratory Viral Infection Segmentation and DifferentiationPandey, AshishDubey, Sandeep
1-May-2024Spectroscopic investigation of deep eutectic solvents and their cosolvent modified mixturesPandey, AshishPandey, Siddharth
3-Feb-2023Yoga and positive psychology examining the linkages and implications for managementDagar, ChiragPandey, Ashish