Browsing by Researcher/Guide Palaniswami, S
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
18-Sep-2014 | Certain investigations on scheduling optimization in cloud based applications | Venkatesakumar, V | Palaniswami, S |
14-Nov-2017 | Certain investigations on the data mining approaches for classification of imbalanced datasets | S, Lavanya | Palaniswami, S |
15-Mar-2018 | Economic operation and transmission security of AC DC hybrid systems using intelligent techniques | B, Suresh Babu | Palaniswami, S |
9-Oct-2014 | Enhanced image segmentation using hybridized optimization techniques | Murugesan, K M | Palaniswami, S |
6-Oct-2016 | New algebraic schemes for model reduction of linear time invariant systems | Palaniswami, S | Sivanandam, S N |