Browsing by Researcher/Guide Palaniammal, S
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
19-Apr-2018 | A study on domination of parameters in circulant graphs and its algorithms | A, Shobana | Palaniammal, S |
4-Jul-2016 | A study on Markovian queueing models with bulk service and vacation | Palaniammal, S | Nadarajan, R |
16-Mar-2018 | Improved subspace clustering algorithms for high dimensional data | M, Suguna | Palaniammal, S |
16-Nov-2017 | Performance analysis of prioritized queue with exponential back off technique for efficient routing and data transmission in Manet | J, Kavitha | Palaniammal, S |