Browsing by Researcher/Guide Oinam, Bhagat

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
23-May-2014Being as first philosophy reflections on the genealogy of ideas in and beyond heideggerSharma, ManishOinam, Bhagat
29-Feb-2024Everyday life and modes of existence authenticity inauthenticity and the question of indifferenceAgarwala, AnasuyaOinam, Bhagat
8-Sep-2022Existential Phenomenological Understanding of Emotions A Critical StudyPrathomwong, PiyanatOinam, Bhagat
13-Oct-2023Freedom in Situation a Comparative Study of Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur and Daya KrishnaKumari, ShikhaOinam, Bhagat
10-Oct-2022Individual Truth and Authenticity A Critical Study of Kierkegaard and NietzscheSharma, VarunOinam, Bhagat
24-Sep-2024Language power and life a study of Giorgio Agambens philosophy of messianic politicsBhat, Idris HassanOinam, Bhagat
13-Oct-2023Reading Jean Paul Sartres Nausea A Philosophical StudyBasumatary, SankhangOinam, Bhagat
20-Jul-2023Sexuality and Moral Concerns a Study with Special Reference to Foucault s the History of SexualityKumar, AnilOinam, Bhagat
3-Sep-2024Temporality freedom and repetition a study of martin Heideggers PhilosophyTodariya, SaurabhOinam, Bhagat
12-Jul-2024The nature of epistemology in Ambedkars philosophy a critical XplorationDeep, BansidharOinam, Bhagat
16-Nov-2023Understanding Indian Public Sphere through a Critique of Jurgen HabermasAli, MuzaffarOinam, Bhagat
12-Nov-2024Violence in everyday life a study from existential ethical perspectiveSharma, AnuradhaOinam, Bhagat