Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nedunchezhian, V R
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
4-Jul-2016 | A study on the impact of workers participation in management on organisational effectiveness with special reference to NTC Mills Coimbatore | Ali, A Ashraf | Nedunchezhian, V R |
16-Mar-2018 | A study on the implication of modern technology and its impact on productivity and profitability of foundries in Coimbatore district | R, Vinayagasundaram | Nedunchezhian, V R |
18-Mar-2019 | An empirical study on performance efficiency of selected Indian public sector banks through data envelopment analysis | K, Premalatha | Nedunchezhian, V R |
4-Jul-2016 | Financial evaluation of major ports in India | Nedunchezhian, V R | Manickam, M |