Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nayyar, Harsh

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
1-Jun-2018Assessment of combined effects of water and high temperature stress during reproductive stage on macrosperma and microsperma chickpea cicer arietinum l genotypesGupta, KritiNayyar, Harsh
8-Nov-2024Assessment of genotypic variation in chickpea Cicer arietinum L for heat sensitivity at reproductive stage involving various morpho physiological and yield related traitsPoonam DeviNayyar, Harsh
27-Mar-2019Evaluation of combined effects of heat and drought stress during seed filling in lentil lens culinaris medik genotypesSehgal, AkankshaNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Evaluation of effects of heat stress on mungbean phaseolus aureus roxb genotypesAmandeep Singh, RamanpreetNayyar, Harsh
21-Apr-2016Evaluation of effects of Selenium application on some cereal cropsSharma, ShuchiNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Evaluation of effects of selenium on chickpea cicer arietinum L genotypesPathania, Dhirendra SinghNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Evaluation of heavy metal induced phytotoxic effects and adaptive mechanisms in chickpea Cicer Arietinum LMalik, Jahid AliNayyar, Harsh
25-Sep-2018Evaluation of lentil lens culinaris medik germplasm for response to heat stress and investigation of mechanisms underlying heat sensitivityKumari SitaNayyar, Harsh
13-Jan-2023Evaluation of some plant growth regulators as thermoprotectants in imparting heat tolerance to mungbean Vigna Radiata L WilczekLomeshwarNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Evaluation of temperature sensitivity of lentil lens culinaris medik genotypesBhandari, KalpnaNayyar, Harsh
9-Feb-2024Evaluation of urdbean Vigna Mungo L Hepper genotypes for responses to high temperature stress and investigation of traits related to thermo tolerance at vegetative and reproductive phasesChaudhary, ShikhaNayyar, Harsh
18-Apr-2016Evaluation of water stress on soybean glycine max L merrill during seed germination and seed development in relation to osmoregulantsAngra, SandeepNayyar, Harsh
4-Nov-2020Exploring the Mungbean Vigna Radiata l Wilczek genotypes for heat tolerance and probing the underlying mechanismsPriya, ManuNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Heavy metal toxicity in plants exploring the adaptive mechanisms in a metal accumulator brassica juncea L czern and a non accumulator trigonella foenum graceum LGoel, ShilpaNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Low temperature effects on chickpea Cicer Arietinum L comparative assessment of developmental sensitivity of macrosperma and microsperma genotypesKaur, GurinderNayyar, Harsh
19-Apr-2016Probing the mechanisms and markers underlying chilling injury during reproductive growth in chickpea cicer arietinum lKumar, SanjeevNayyar, Harsh
21-Apr-2016Reproductive Biology of chickpea and soybean in relation to drought stressBhatti, Satwinder KaurNayyar, Harsh
22-Mar-2023Screening core germplasm of chickpea CICER arietinum l for cold tolerance at reproductive stage and investigating the underlying defence mechanisms in vegetative and reproductive componentsAnju RaniNayyar, Harsh